Cheney uses the F word and "bragged that he felt good about it."
What was it about? Sen. Pat Leahy accused Halliburton of overcharged
taxpayers $186 million in Iraq, and Leahy calls it war profiteering.
I have heard that Cheney still receive money from Halliburton.
QUESTION - Do you think it is Appropriate for the VPres to use Filthy language?
Thomas P. W. Barnett - - take a look.
1 comment:
If you're going to comment on a guy's integrity you could at least get his name right!
The name is Dick Cheney!
It's not as if this guy is someone relatively unknown! He is your Vice President and his name is published a zillion times every day and has been for years ever since he's been around!
Inspires ME to use the F... word... preceeded by "dumb"!
Oh... and so far as your allegations are concerned, yeah your probably right! He's been doing this sort of thing for ever! If Americans keep electing people like him what does it say for the USA? A society gets what it deserves!
On the other hand... spare a thought for George W. Bush! How would he know what to do as the "Leader of the Free World" if Dick was no longer around to pull George W's strings anymore?
As a "tree hugging, lentil eating" liberal, I strongly recommend you repeal that amendment that says only 2 terms! Bring back the good ole cigar sucker, Bill Clinton! Bless him!
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