Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Because WMart seldom advertises in Newspapers - they get Bad Press.
Therefore, you might have missed this -

WMart - Becomes One of the First to Offer Over-the-Counter Zyrtec for Allergy sufferers.

Off of the PR Newswire – condensed version

2008 Open Enrollment Data Shows That 92.7 Percent of Wal-Mart Associates Now Have Health Coverage
PR Newswire - Number of uninsured associates drops by more than 20 percent
January 22, 2008

…with 690,970 associates -- and more than 1.1 million associates and dependants in total -- now covered by Wal-Mart's plans

The Hewitt Benefit Index(R), conducted by Hewitt Associates, a benefits consulting firm – “noted that Wal-Mart's broad eligibility ranks it among the highest in its comparative set of 18 large retailers and grocers. Wal-Mart scored 113.8 on health benefits, as compared to the average retail score of 100.

The company added more personalized choices, lower deductibles, pre-deductible health care credits and a $4 co-pay for more than 2,000 covered generic prescriptions, among other changes. As in previous years, children of every associate -- both full-time and part time -- qualify for health insurance when the parent qualifies.

Wal-Mart also took extra steps to get associates health coverage and enrollment information, including an "Enrollment Made Easy" DVD mailed to every associate's home. Associates could also go online to access materials and enrollment forms, and use a specially designed web-based tool that helped them evaluate the coverage that best meets their needs.”

Complete Story =
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