Sunday, July 25, 2004

That Printer of Udell's

I was a Reagan Fan

I was a Reagan Fan.

and Voted for him.


When he died

I heard he had read a book

that - he said - changed his life.

“That Printer of Udell’s - by Harold Bell Wright.


He said -

“I found a role model in the traveling printer whom Harold Bell Wright had brought to life.

He set a course I’ve tried to follow even unto this day. I shall always be grateful.”


It was written in 1903.


The main theme is -

“Inasmuch ad ye have done unto one of the least of these, by brethren, ye have done it unto Me.”

It is the story of a young man that became a Christian,

in a time when ALL but Christians were considered Infidels.


I believe in Universal Health Care

Minimum Wage

REAL States Rights

The UN


some other things.


I thought you might be interested.


I consider myself a

Defender of the Little People

those of US with NO voice.







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