Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Editor & Publisher - Newspaper Endorsement’s.

JOHN KERRY - 53 newspapers total - 9,223,340 daily circulation

GEORGE W. BUSH - 36 newspapers - total 4,987,305 daily circulation

Which List is YOUR paper on?


Would there be LESS AIDS Cases in the world if Bush believed in Condom Education?

on the world's poorest continent, which is also the hardest hit by the deadly viral disease.

Bush’s policies has been a disaster for AIDS. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 25 million of the world's 38 million people living with HIV/AIDS. In seven countries, life expectancy has fallen to less than 40 years.

Since Bush LOVES War so much why doesn’t he wage a global war on AIDS?

Bush has urged abstinence and opposed condom use.

People die in Africia because much US funding goes into sexual abstinence.

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